
We encourage children to be 'thinkers'; as there are multiple intelligences, we believe there to be multiple opportunities for children to develop thinking skills. We encourage children to participate in long-term small-group & individual projects which explore their interests and deepen their understanding of the world. Such projects provide opportunities for communication & self-expression, teamwork, problem-solving and reflection. In developing curriculum for this kind of work, the staff is flexible and sensitive to children's interest, and projects can last as long and go as in-depth as children's interest dictates.

Linden Tree Preschool's academic program balances basic skills and critical thinking with collaborative learning and interdisciplinary study. A strong and coherent program enables students to become lifelong learners who are confident, competent, and intellectually curious. Teachers use varied approaches to provide countless opportunities for learning. A core learning curriculum is combined with the belief that the arts and creative expression are an integral part of daily life . Daily time is also devoted to gross-motor skills play in the "big room", or in our outside play area, and a healthy snack is provided.

We run 7 programs during the week. 2 1/2 year olds, a two day a week morning option and a 3 day a week morning option with a maximum of 10 children in each class. For our 3 year olds, we offer a 2 day a week am option, a 3 day a week am option, a 2 day pm option and a 3 day pm option. Our PreK program is a 5 day a week afternoon option.

Our head teachers are NYC-licensed in early childhood education. Specialty teachers have NYC education certification and/or substantial experience working with small children.